Monday, August 3, 2009

Rock-n-Roll Running.... +

Let Go And Let God.... + JacobsHeart.... ( : "My Foot Is On the Rock And My Name Is On the Roll".... +
God's Word Today: 1 Corinthians 10:4
....4: And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.
>>>>>>> ( :
Revelation 13:8
....8: And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Inspired Thoughts: Like the song says "My Foot Is On The Rock and My Name Is On The Roll".... +
....JESUS is the Rock, and I stand upon him daily to make it in this "Spiritual Race" that we Christians are all running. Without Jesus I know for sure that I would never make it home = Heaven.
....My name (Jimmy) is written in the (Lamb's Book of Life) which is God's Roll. One day (God) will make his "Roll Call" and all those that he calls will enter into the joys of the Lord = Heaven.
Rock-n-Roll Running.... +
1) (Jesus is the Rock) and my (Strength to Run). If I will stand on him daily I can accomplish anything from a fast 5k to another Marathon. It's up to me what I choose to do, but it's God that gives me the strength to do it. I truly "Thank-God" for that "Strength" every single day.
2) (My Name is on God's Roll) which is the (Lamb's Book of Life). With that I have joy to run knowing that if God calls me home at any moment I will be in Heaven. What a great feeling it is to have your sins under Jesus Prescious Blood, and to be ready at any moment to fly to Heaven.
....I decided yesterday to end my GOAL "Running-Streak" with only 13-days into it. I have decided to run 5-days each week with 2 full days of rest. So my new schedule will go something like this.
Sunday = "Off".... +
Monday = 7-miles
Tuesday = 8-miles
Wednesday = "Off".... ( :
Thursday = 8-miles
Friday = 7-miles
Saturday = 10-miles
For a weekly total of 40-miles.
( : "Thank-God." +
....The reason is I want to get everything I can out of my running and deep down I think 2-days off each week will help me alot more than it will hurt me. Plus it gives my body (including my ole "back") a couple of breaks each week to completely rest. I always took 1 or 2-days off before and it never hurt my times, and I'm completely sure with God's help and strength to run this time will be no different, ( : "Thank-God." +
Inspired "Running" Thoughts: Bruce Robison, (A runner & friend), told me I should maybe take 2-days off each week. Well I've thought alot about what he said and it sonds like aplan to me.
....My ole "Back" seems to ache more than it used to, and 2-days of rest will certainly help a runner more than it will hurt one. "Thanks for the advice, Man". I pray that (God) will bless all "Las Vegas Runners including Bruce Robison".... +
>>>>>>> ( : "Smile-God-Loves-You".... +
Andrew-Roxie-Jimmy-God-Jesus-Holy Ghost.... ( : "God-Bless-All" is my Prayer.... +

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the praise and blessings! Yup, having two days off per week will allow your back to recover somewhat, plus your other workouts can be run gradually stronger and longer. The rest and recovery is when your body rebuilds.
