Thursday, October 15, 2009

2-Goal Streaks...+

1) =
2) =
Let Go And Let God...+ JacobsHeart/Music.... ( = "I'm Free"...+
Power-Verse from God: John 8:36...+
....36: If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
Inspired Thoughts: Chorus to Above "JacobsHeart/Song"...+
....I'm free, I'm free, oh yes I'm free from sin.
....I am happy and I know my heart is clean.
....So if you want him to, to try and get your Heavenly crown.
....Just give your heart to Jesus and lay your burdens down.
If you will confess your sins, and ask Jesus to come into your heart he will save you with the redemption power of his prescious blood, that he so freely gave us long ago on Calvary's Cross, and you indeed will be free. Yes, Free-Forever...+
2-Goals Streaks...+ ( = "Thank-God"...+
1) God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost...+
....A) I plan to this coming Sunday - October 18, 2009 to take my family, (Roxie & Andrew), back to the Gospel Tabernacle where we attend sometimes, and make that our home church for good.
....B) I plan to spend some quality time with God every day, in reading his divine word, in prayer, in fasting, in bible study, in music practice, in family devotions etc.
....C) All this will take place at my home in my already planned prayer closet, (which is my quiet place), where I can have peace & joy daily serving a Divine Holy God. (Whenever possible I will spend time with family & God in all these things mentioned above), and know all this will only take place with God, Jesus, the Holy Ghost, and the strength they give me to do it...+
2) Running - Supported by God, Jesus, the Holy Ghost, Family, & Friends...+
...A) I will start running this Sunday - October 18, 2009 with an easy 4-mile run, and run every day after that for as long as I can...+
....B) Only with God's help and the strength God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost gives to run each day.
....C) Only with the support of (Roxie & Andrew), my wife & son, and the support of "Family & Friends" everywhere.
Streak Rules: ( = "Thank-God" 4/God, Family, Friends, & Running"...+
1) GOD = I must spend at least 1-continuous-hour with God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost every day for it to count to keep my streak alive.
2) Running = I must run at least 1-continuous-mile every day for it to count to keep my streak alive.
With God all this is possible = READ: Matthew 19:26...+
Inspired "Running" Thoughts: You don't have to run every day to be a runner, but you do have to be a runner to run every day. ( = God Bless...+
>>>>>>> ( = "Smile-God-Loves-You"...+
Andrew-Roxie-Jimmy-God-Jesus-Holy Ghost.... ( = "God-Bless-All" is my Prayer...+

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