Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Going Back...+

Let Go And Let God...+ JacobsHeart/Music.... ( = "Let Go And Let God"...+
Power-Verse from God: Hebrews 10:25...+
....25: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
Inspired Thoughts: When we truly "Let Go And Let God" take over our life in everything we do or say there will simply be no limits as to what we and God can do. God meaning God, Jesus, & the Holy Ghost...+
....We, the (Jacobs-Family) have alot to do for (God), so it's time we go back to the (Gospel-Tabernacle) and start doing it...+
Going Back...+ ( = "Thank-God" /That...+
....This coming Wednesday evening I will take my family and we, (Andrew, Roxie & Jimmy), will go back to our old home church the (Gospel-Tabernacle) to start with new beginnings.
....We plan to work for God in this church until God tells us different, and with that we've got alot to do.
....1) We sing by soundtrack so many beautiful songs that God has given others...+
....2) We sing accappella the beautiful songs that God has given to us personally....+
....3) Andrew sings some beautiful songs by himself somtimes such as (Jesus Loves Me) and (God Bless America).
....4) Roxie sings in the Choir the beautiful songs that God so graciously inspired someone to write...+
....5) I, Jimmy, play the drums for the church whenever I'm given the chance to. I also preach God's holy word when called upon to do so.
....6) We will help with Sunday School, Children's-Church, Morning-Worship, or Church-in-General, in any way possible if we are asked to do so.
....7) We will attend this church whenever the doors are open if we are not working or visiting our Mom & Dad's church which is the (Whittaker Ridge Assemly of God) near our home town of Cedar Bluff, Virginia. The Pastor is Sister (Merilyn Morris), who is truly a (Great-Woman of God & Good-Friend)...+
My 2-Streaks ( = "Thank-God"...+
....(I will log my 2-Streaks from "Monday through Sunday" each week because "Saturday & Sunday" is the weekend)....+
Inspired "Running" Thoughts: In my opinion, (Running-Every-Day), is just as easy as running, (4-Days-Weekly), if you don't run hard every day and simply take it very easy with only, (1-Continuous-mile), to keep your streak alive whenever you need to ( = "Thank-God"...+
>>>>>>> ( = "Smile-God-Loves-You"...+
Andrew-Roxie-Jimmy-God-Jesus-Holy Ghost.... ( = "God-Bless-All" is my Prayer...+

Friday, October 16, 2009

2-Streaks and a Bonus Plan...+

Let Go And Let God...+ JacobsHeart/Music.... ( = "Just Like Eagles"...+
Power-Verse from God: Isaiah 40:31...+
....31: But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Inspired Thoughts: Someday, (Very Soon I Believe), God's trumpet will sound in glory, Jesus will return to earth for his prescious bride that awaits him, and when that happens we will like eagles fly to that beautiful city called Heaven.
2-Streaks and a Bonus Plan...+ ( = "Thank-God" 4/This Plan, hehe...+
The Rules are Very Simple...+
....1) If I spend 1-continuous-hour with God I get $1.00. ( =
....2) If I run 1-continuous-mile with God every day I get $1.00...+
....3) At the end of the week if I have $14.00 I get an extra $1.00 for not missing any day in seven days with (God or Running). ( =
....4) If I don't miss a day with either (God or Running) in 2-weeks I will end up with $30.00 each time I get a pay day...+
....5) If I don't miss a day with either (God or Running) in 4-weeks I will end up with $60.00 for the entire month which equals 2-full pay-days from RCMC. ( =
....6) I will put this in my already planned Pickle-Jar that I have made into a Bonus-Plan-Bank...+
....7) I will spend this money on things I want such as Soundtracks, running stuff, etc.... ( =
Inspired "Running" Thoughts: If it wasn't for faster runners in my age group at the local 5k or 10k = (45----49), I would have no real reson to race...+
....Why pay 15 to 20-dollars just for fun, lol. ( =
>>>>>>> ( = "Smile-God-Loves-You"...+
Andrew-Roxie-Jimmy-God-Jesus-Holy Ghost.... ( = "God-Bless-All" is my Prayer...+

Thursday, October 15, 2009

2-Goal Streaks...+

1) = http://www.bible.com
2) = http://www.runeveryday.com
Let Go And Let God...+ JacobsHeart/Music.... ( = "I'm Free"...+
Power-Verse from God: John 8:36...+
....36: If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
Inspired Thoughts: Chorus to Above "JacobsHeart/Song"...+
....I'm free, I'm free, oh yes I'm free from sin.
....I am happy and I know my heart is clean.
....So if you want him to, to try and get your Heavenly crown.
....Just give your heart to Jesus and lay your burdens down.
If you will confess your sins, and ask Jesus to come into your heart he will save you with the redemption power of his prescious blood, that he so freely gave us long ago on Calvary's Cross, and you indeed will be free. Yes, Free-Forever...+
2-Goals Streaks...+ ( = "Thank-God"...+
1) God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost...+
....A) I plan to this coming Sunday - October 18, 2009 to take my family, (Roxie & Andrew), back to the Gospel Tabernacle where we attend sometimes, and make that our home church for good.
....B) I plan to spend some quality time with God every day, in reading his divine word, in prayer, in fasting, in bible study, in music practice, in family devotions etc.
....C) All this will take place at my home in my already planned prayer closet, (which is my quiet place), where I can have peace & joy daily serving a Divine Holy God. (Whenever possible I will spend time with family & God in all these things mentioned above), and know all this will only take place with God, Jesus, the Holy Ghost, and the strength they give me to do it...+
2) Running - Supported by God, Jesus, the Holy Ghost, Family, & Friends...+
...A) I will start running this Sunday - October 18, 2009 with an easy 4-mile run, and run every day after that for as long as I can...+
....B) Only with God's help and the strength God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost gives to run each day.
....C) Only with the support of (Roxie & Andrew), my wife & son, and the support of "Family & Friends" everywhere.
Streak Rules: ( = "Thank-God" 4/God, Family, Friends, & Running"...+
1) GOD = I must spend at least 1-continuous-hour with God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost every day for it to count to keep my streak alive.
2) Running = I must run at least 1-continuous-mile every day for it to count to keep my streak alive.
With God all this is possible = READ: Matthew 19:26...+
Inspired "Running" Thoughts: You don't have to run every day to be a runner, but you do have to be a runner to run every day. ( = God Bless...+
>>>>>>> ( = "Smile-God-Loves-You"...+
Andrew-Roxie-Jimmy-God-Jesus-Holy Ghost.... ( = "God-Bless-All" is my Prayer...+