Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Ten with an "Old-Friend".... +

Let Go And Let God.... JacobsHeart/Music.... "I'm Free".... +
God's Word: John 8:36.... +
....36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
Inspired Thoughts: Truely through the redemption power of Jesus blood we have been made free indeed, however, after we have given our life to Jesus-Christ through prayer of repentence it's up to us with "God's help" to live our live before him (Jesus) that will keep us free.... +
....But remember it will only happen when we put our trust in the Lord. We cannot do it on our own no matter how close to God we feel. Truely it takes, God, Jesus & the Holy Ghost.... +
Ten with an "Old-Friend".... + (I "Thank-God." for his blessings today.... ( :
....Wife recently had surgery. She had an appointment with her doctor today to see how things were with her after surgery and to give her the news of a biopsy to see what the lump was that they removed. Turns out it was only a (Fatty-Tumor). We, "Andrew, Roxie, & Me" truely "Thank-God." it was nothing serious. God really blessd us today with the great news.
....But right after we left the Doctors office God blessed us for a second time today. We noticed a car behind us blowing their horn. He motioned for me to turn off, and when my wife and I finally realized it was our old friend George Brown. That same George Brown that has ran over 28-years without a day off. Great runner and great friend.
....He had been to Abingdon for a Doctors visit himself, and was going to the Creeper Trail to run an easy 10-miles. He asked me to go, and today was the actual start of my 2nd-"Running-Streak".... ( : "Thank-God." +
The Picture above is the actual 5-mile mark from the Abingdon side of the Creeper Trail near our home. George and I ran 5m's out & back for an easy 10-miles in (1:37.58).... It was around 60 degrees with a light wind blowing. It was a great evening to run. My first run back could not have been any better than that, with an old friend that has always inspired me to run more than words could ever express. ( : "Thank-God." +
Inspired "Running" Thoughts: Pace doesn't matter at all. As long as you get your miles in you will eventually get in great running-shape.... +
>>>>>>> ( : "Smile-God-Loves-You".... +
Andrew-Roxie-Jimmy-God-Jesus-Holy Ghost.... ( : "God-Bless-All" is my prayer.... +